duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

Dead and reborn...

They say that, wherever we go, when we leave, we leave a little bit of ourselves there. As far as I'm concerned I died a couple of years ago, sometime in April. I died in the place in which I had spent 5 years of my life. I left the place and, with it, I left the old me...a new 'me' was born after that.We all have secrets-mine ones, they'll be dead and buried when I, the one who I am today, am dead and buried. I died and I was born again: stronger, more self-confident, but tougher and inaccessible sometimes...there's always a price for everything. I know now that, what happened to me, it was meant to be...on a purpose, a purpose which I have finally managed to accept even though I still find it hard to understand; I am sure I will, one day.
Someone said to me the other day that he did not think that I was capable of loving. He was so wrong! I am capable of loving, it is just that I am not capable of loving any 'one', anymore...It is no use trying to convince him, I just know who I am.
Somebody loves me!!! He is a wonderful man, I have always known he is there for me, it's just that he is not 'the one'...he won't accept it but...one day he will understand. Whoever 'the one' will be, I am sure I will know from the moment I see him, and that moment I will know I have not waited in vain. Until then, I intend to enjoy my life and, whatever is around the corner, I know it is something good. I intend to enjoy every single day of my life as I know that, whatever I am living today, I am not going to live tomorrow...